Intro til RESURSIUM – demonstratorium for affalds-cleantech

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Denne blog udforskede kilder til inspiration indenfor affald i forbindelse med udvikling af RESURSIUM (under Vestforbrænding).

Den skrives af innovationsekspert Lars Lundbye (lars.lundbye [at], Blå Himmel, og er tænkt som inspiration for udviklingsteamet omkring Vestforbrænding, advisory boardet for RESURSIUM, samt andre, der er engageret i at ændre paradigmet fra affald til ressourcer.

RESURSIUM er stiftet af Vestforbrænding og vil sikre at kommuner, affaldsselskaber og produktionsvirksomheder får adgang til teknologi- og service-løsninger, der gør affald til ressourcer.

I Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster og sammen med en lang række centrale aktører fra hele affaldsbranchen vil RESURSIUM blive et kraftcenter for innovation af cleantech-løsninger indenfor affald og ressourcer, der vil gøre danske virksomheder klare til at imødekomme de store internationale behov.

Målet er at skabe et innovationsmiljø i verdensklasse indenfor affald-cleantech – en unik innovationsplatform for affalds-cleantech ved at integrere eksterne innovatorer, kapital, affaldssektorens videnscentre og Vestforbrændings state-of-the-art forbrændingsanlæg, sorterings- og oparbejdnings-anlæg og omfattende indsamlingssystemer, samt en tæt samarbejde med hele regionens cleantech-miljøer. RESURSIUM vil består af to kerneområder: Et demonstratorium for nye affaldsløsninger og teknologier, og et videns- og formidlingscenter. Med de to satsninger vil der ske markant forkortelse af time-to-market for nye løsninger, samt en effektiv showcasing og vidensspredning både nationalt og internationalt.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Affaldsudstilling på Dansk Design Center

Danmark tager førstepladsen i EU, når det gælder om at smide affald ud. I 2007 smed hver dansker 2,2 kg affald ud om dagen. Det bliver til over 800 kg affald om året. Til sammenligning smed den gennemsnitlige EU-borger 522 kg ud.

UDSTILLING 11.03.11 - 21.08.11

Udstillingen CHALLENGE WASTE i Dansk Design Center undersøger hvad der kan få os til at ændre adfærd. Kan designløsninger få skrald som tyggegummi, sodavandsflasker, burgerpapir og cigaretskodder til at ende i skraldespanden i stedet for langs veje og på rastepladser, i søer og parker?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Projekter i Østeuropa

Den danske ambassade i Riga leder søger efter danske affaldsvirksomheder, især indenfor sortering, genvinding og waste-to-energy, til et fremstød rettet mod den massive efterspørgsmel i Letland og især Litaun. Begge lande satser betydeligt på området og også EU's strukturfonde investerer massivt.

VF kan (og bør?) stille sig til rådighed for partnerskaber, fx med nogle af de rådgivende ingeniørfirmaer mv for dels at positionere sig i forhold til (internationalt agerende) partnere, dels at begynde at oparbejde viden om eksport og international efterspørgsel, og så også for at begynde at bruge sine kompetencer til gavn for verden...

Kontaktperson er
Ole Gustavsson, +371 67226210,

Et andet interessant land er Tjekkiet, hvor ambassaden også er i gang med et fremstød for dansk cleantech, bl.a affaldshåndtering.
Kontaktperon på ambassaden i Prag er Jess Møller Knudsen,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

FEE Eco-Schools

Foundation for Environmental Education (der har til huse hos Friluftsrådet) og bla. kører Blå Flag og Eco-Schools (a programme for environmental management, certification, and sustainable development education for schools) kan være en interessant partner for oplevelsesparken.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gabarage: Waste upcyling....

Design-firma i Wien, der (i øvrigt i samarbejde med hospital) upcycler affald til ultra coool designobjekter. Holdte møde med direktøren, der meget sympatisk: Kan være interessant partner til oplevelsesparken.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Open Source patent initiativ for cleantechs

The Eco-Patent Commons, launched by IBM, Nokia, Pitney Bowes and Sony in partnership with the WBCSD, was founded on the commitment that anyone who wants to bring environmental benefits to market can use these patents to protect the environment and enable collaboration between businesses that foster new innovations. The objectives of the Eco-Patent Commons are :
  • To provide an avenue by which innovations and solutions may be easily shared to accelerate and facilitate implementation to protect the environment and perhaps lead to further innovation. 
  • To promote and encourage cooperation and collaboration between businesses that pledge patents and potential users to foster further joint innovations and the advancement and development of solutions that benefit the environment.
Since the launch of the Eco-Patent Commons in January 2008, one hundred eco-friendly patents have been pledged by eleven companies representing a variety of industries worldwide: Bosch, DowDuPont, Fuji-XeroxIBM, Nokia, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Sony, Taisei and Xerox.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

e-waste kræver løsninger nu!

Hazardous waste from electronic products is growing exponentially in developing countries, sometimes by as much as 500 per cent. The report,Recycling - From E-Waste to Resources, used data from 11 representative developing countries to estimate current and future e-waste generation which includes old and dilapidated desk and laptop computers, printers, mobile phones, pagers, digital photo and music devices, refrigerators, toys and televisions. The United Nations called for new recycling technologies and regulations to safeguard both public health and the environment. 
Access a lengthy release from UNEP with numerous links to additional information (click here). Access the complete 120-page report (click here). 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Et par markedstal om cleantech i Kina – nye data fra PwC m.fl.

Kina er et interessant cleantech marked at kigge på. Her et par tal:

  • The China Greentech Initiatives nye rapport estimerer at det kinesiske cleantech-marked snart rammer US$1 trilliard om året.
  • I 3. kvartal 09 blev der indgået nye cleantech deals alene indenfor energi (biomasse, sol, vind, affald-til-energi) for 5 mia US$ (New Energy Finance)
  • PwC forudser at Kina's cleantech industri er 1000 mia US$ værd i 2013 (svarende til 15% af landets økonomiske værdi!)

Salgspitch: Bør gøres visuel...

Jeg hjælper en New York NGO, Solar1, i øjeblikket. Kig lige på deres visualisering af deres nye projekt Solar2, som et eksempel på salgspitch , klik på Solar2 i venstre side eller her for at se præsentationen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Affaldsdag, Tirsdag den 15. december, på "bundmødet" under COP15

Affald til Design, ’Vugge til Vugge’
Program, Christiania
At undgå affald er at omdefinere affald til råmaterialer for nye produkter. Vi inviterer til at forstå affald som en ressource, på linje med alt andet biologisk materiale, som enten vil kunne komposteres eller genbruges.

Her nogle udvalgte programpunkter:

Til Resursium-folket:

  • 10.10-11.45 Anders ’Historiefortæller’ Shagembe, Genbrugslegetøj og andet Skrot-godt, Workshop for børn og deres voksne
  • 14.00-14.15 Dagens Begravelse: Affalds(begrebet), Gravsten ved Anders ’Stol’ Hansen
  • 14.20-15.05 Anders ’Historiefortæller’ Shagembe, Anders ’Stol’ Hansen og Matthias Murjahn, ”Demonstratorium” om og med genbrugskunst
  • 15.35-15.50 Sussi Hørup, Erhvervsakademi DANIA, Skive. Afdelingsleder for produktionsteknolog-uddannelsen, ‘Hvordan Erhvervsakademiet arbejder med Cradle to Cradle i Uddannelsen af Produktionsteknologer’
  • 17.50-18.10 Kaye Kirsch, 'Fortæller og viser klip fra film om skraldets cyklus-
  • 18.15-18.35 Lille film om kunstneren Julie Kyhl, 'Fra skidt til Skat'

  • 20.00-20.45 Anne Marie Helger og Peter Larsen, ’Skrot op’, show

Til Demonstratorium-folket

  • 12.15-13.45
    Martin Fluri, Vugge til Vugge Danmark, ”Cradle to Cradle as a concept and in Denmark"
    Hans Havers, Leder af EPEA Eindhoven, "Product-innovation in a Cradle to Cradle context and how Cradle to Cradle is picking up speed in Holland."
    Kees Noorman og David Goehring, Ledere af arkitekturfirmaet William McDonough + Partners EU, "Cradle to Cradle architecture"
  • 15.10-15.30 Zdenek Lycka, ambassadør, Tjekkiet, ”Om affaldsdesign med eksempler fra tjekkisk glaskunstner”
  • 15.55-16.15 Dr. Aili Pyhälä, At slutte cirklen: Hvad forbrugerkulturen kan lære fra oprindelige folkeslagcan learn from indigenous communities'
  • 16.20-16.40 Tor Nørretranders, 'Indfødte på Planeten'
  • 16.45-17.10 Peter Bastian, ’Forskellen på Overlevelsesinstinktet og Udviklingsinstinktet’, samt trut i horn!
  • 17.15-17.45 Panel med dagens gæster

Friday, December 11, 2009

HTM inspiration på COP15

Foruden ISWA affaldskonferencen på COP15 er jeg er stødt på andre ting på COP15 af interessante for HTM:

DIs udstilling af 170 cleantech-virksomheder fra hele verden: En oplagt studietur for hele HTM-projektet og i alle tilfælde Demonstartorium:

Interessant uddannelses-seminar for Resursium:

Mødte en fyr fra Genan: Dem har jeg ikke stødt på før: Genan genbruger gamle dæk til at lave kunstgræs, legepladser og asfalt.

Bør VF ikke også optræde på besøgslisten?: - og måske kunne I placere VF i div omtaler:

Mødte en Greenpeace-fyr i går og snakkede elektronisk affald. Han henviste til dette e-waste site, der har en række gode data.

Ny publikation fra Mandag Morgen om dansk Cleantech: De har iøvrigt andre undersøgelser her:
Udenrigsministeriet med lidt om eksport af danske energi- og miljøkompetencer:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Inspirations-sites til uddannelse

  • Video Project x
    Non-profit source of educational programs for a safe and sustainable world.

  • Planet Pals x
    Let's learn to PRECYCLE. "Precycling" means we can "preventing recycling" by taking a little action before.

  • Earth's 911 x
    A public and private sector partnership to empower the public with community specific resources to improve their quality of life.

  • Recycle City x
    Learn how to recycle, reduce, and reuse waste.

  • Earth Day Groceries Project x
    School project to recycle a billion paper grocery bags.

  • RecycleNow x
    Campaign aiming to get people to "recycle more stuff more often. Most people already recycle to some degree and this campaign is designed to encourage everyone to do a bit more."

  • British Glass x
    Educational site with facts about glass recycling.

  • Roscoe's Recycle Room x
    Fun games, recycling facts and educational activities.

  • Quest of the Ringleaders x
    A cyber-adventure of the Ring Leader Recycling Program.

  • The Imagination Factory x
    Creative ways for kids to recycle.

  • Video Project x
    US non-profit source of educational programs for a safe and sustainable world.
  • 100 interessante genanvendelses-websites

    The World Environmental Organization (World.Org) har samlet flg. linksamling med en række spændende organisationer og projekter (mest i Canada, USA og UK):

    1. Earth's 911 x
      A public and private sector partnership to empower the public with community specific resources to improve their quality of life.

    2. Use Less Stuff x
      A bi-weekly newsletter from 1994 to 2000 including articles on recycling and what some companies are doing to help. Also included are 42 ways to Trim Your Holiday Waste-line.

    3. Waste Wise x
      "WasteWise is a free, voluntary, EPA program through which organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste, benefiting their bottom line and the environment."

    4. Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention (C2P2) x
      Encourages actions that avoid or minimize the creation of pollution or waste.

    5. x
      The place to turn for recycling and composting expertise.

    6. FreeCycle x
      A grassroots movement to reuse unwanted items. Membership is free, with one rule being that everything posted must be free.

    7. Ecology Action x
      Achieving community and environmental excellence through partnership and innovation. Information of annual coastal cleanup, pollution prevention, and alternative transportation solutions.

    8. Recycle City x
      Learn how to recycle, reduce, and reuse waste.

    9. Waste Watch x
      A charity working to protect the environment by ensuring the sustainable use and disposal of scarce resources through waste reduction, re-use and recycling of materials.

    10. Recycler's World x
      A world wide trading site for information related to secondary or recyclable commodities, by-products, used and surplus items or materials.

    11. Community Recycling Network UK x
      membership organization promoting community based sustainable waste management as a practical and effective way of tackling the UK's growing waste problem.

    12. WWF Global Network x
      A great environmental resource.

    13. Sierra Club x
      A leading environmental organization with chapters in all 50 states and Canada.

    14. EPA: Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines x
      Key component in the government's "buy-recycled" program.

    15. Environmental Systems of America: Environmental Factoids x
      Information on climate change, forests, energy reduction, recycling and solid waste.

    16. AF&PA x
      Provides information on recycling wood and paper products. Includes resources for recycling coordinators and educational programs.

    17. Enviro$en$e x
      Single repository for pollution prevention, compliance assurance, and enforcement information and data bases.

    18. The International Institute for Sustainable Development x
      Promote sustainable development in decision-making internationally and within Canada.

    19. NAPCOR x
      A national trade association that promotes PET recycling and the use of PET plastic. Includes information for starting a community PET recycling program.

    20. Institution Recycling Network x
      A cooperative that improves financial and operating results in recycling and waste minimization for public and private organizations throughout New England.

    21. EcoWorld x
      Information and answers about Earth's energy & food supply, species, ecosystems and projects to preserve them.

    22. Save a Cup Recycling x
      The Save a Cup scheme was established by the vending, food service and plastics industries to collect the millions of hard-wall polystyrene cups used in the UK every week.

    23. Earth Day Network x
      Find out about Earth Day events and activities, plus eco-information.

    24. America Recycles Day x
      A national event (Nov 15) designed to generate renewed public enthusiasm for recycling.

    25. Recycle Xchange x
      Canada's waste recycling marketplace.

    26. Caribbean Recycling Foundation, Inc. x
      Fostering and promoting the development of recycling within the Caribbean Basin.

    27. Recharger Magazine x
      A monthly publication dedicated to the office products recycling industry.

    28. Keep Montana Clean & Beautiful x
      Recycling news, tips, and more.

    29. Sancor x
      Makers of Envirolet, a composting toilet system.

    30. A Happy Planet x
      Buy the very best in natural and naturally superior products for everyday use.

    31. Alucan Recycling x
      Handy aluminum can recycling information.

    32. Recycling Manager x
      This recyclable materials price service, published every other week, provides U.S. materials prices by grade for aluminum and steel cans, scrap metals, paper, plastics and glass.

    33. AutoSteel Online x
      Steel recycling news and information.

    34. Rotten Truth (About Garbage) x
      An in-depth look at the complex issues surrounding municipal solid waste.

    35. The Bag Bed x
      Finally a useful way to recycle your mountain of plastic bags.

    36. Recycling Product News x
      Focuses on recycling & waste management equipment and applications.

    37. Bureau of International Recycling x
      The international federation of the world's recycling industries.

    38. RCO On-Line x
      Homepage of the Recycling Council of Ontario.

    39. Your Guide to Composting x
      Beginner's guide to composting.

    40. Cornell Composting x
      This Website provides access to a variety of composting educational materials and programs developed at Cornell University.

    41. Recycling Today x
      A business magazine for recycling professionals.

    42. Wastechange x
      Network of free online regional and national waste exchanges trading all grades of recyclable materials and secondary commodities.

    43. NCSE's Population & Environment Linkages Service x
      A valuable information database for environmental students and professionals.

    44. Conservatree x
      Reports the most up-to-date news on environmentally sound printing and writing papers.

    45. Container Recycling Institute x
      A non-profit, research and public education organization studying container packaging recycling and reuse.

    46. Pennsylvania's Recycling Page x
      Recycling works in Pennsylvania - here's how...

    47. Lamp Recycle x
      Resource for any light bulb ("lamp") user seeking details on recycling spent mercury-containing lamps.

    48. The Recycler's Exchange x
      A free world wide information exchange for those companies and individuals who buy/sell/trade recycled materials.

    49. Earth Day Groceries Project x
      School project to recycle a billion paper grocery bags.

    50. Recycled Products x
      A collection of web links to sellers of recycled products on the Internet.

    51. Enviro-Bag x
      Clean plastic grocery sacks received from schools by Enviro-Bag are utilized in the production of Enviro-Bag Trash Bags.

    52. EnviroLink x
      EnviroLink environmental organization directory.

    53. RecycleNow x
      Campaign aiming to get people to "recycle more stuff more often. Most people already recycle to some degree and this campaign is designed to encourage everyone to do a bit more."

    54. EPA: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle x
      Recycling tips from the Environmental Protection Agency.

    55. Eureka! Recycled Papers x
      Maker of recycled paper products.

    56. Friends of the Earth - US x
      This nonprofit organization focuses on the economics of sustainable growth.

    57. Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) x
      WRAP works in partnership to encourage and enable businesses and consumers to be more efficient in their use of materials and recycle more things more often.

    58. Greenaction x
      A California-based environmental group.

    59. British Glass x
      Educational site with facts about glass recycling.

    60. Global Recycling Network x
      GRN is a free-access public site dedicated to recycling-related information.

    61. Recoup Recycling x
      Recoup is the UK’s leading authority on plastics waste management, providing expertise and guidance to a wide range of clients across the plastics supply, use and disposal chain.

    62. GrassRoots Recycling Network x
      A North American network of recycling and community-based activists who advocate policies and practices to achieve zero waste, and more.

    63. Ecosource Paper Inc. x
      Maker of recycled paper products.

    64. Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries x
      An international trade association of scrap metal, paper, plastic, glass, rubber and textile recyclers.

    65. Share the Technology x
      A computer recycling project.

    66. Materials for the Future Foundation x
      Helping Northern California communities create jobs in the recycling, reuse and remanufacturing industries.

    67. National Recycling Coalition x
      The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) is the national voice for the recycling industry throughout the United States and around the world.

    68. The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide x
      A starting point for consumers in the USA and Canada searching the net for recycling information.

    69. The Compost Resource Page x
      A hub of information for anyone interested in the various aspects of composting.

    70. Californians Against Waste x
      Newsletter, fact sheets, links and information on America Recycles Day.

    71. The Recycling Team x
      Leader in resource conservation and recycling.

    72. OVAM x
      Provides up-to-date information on: waste management, soil remediation, and other environmental issues.

    73. Recycling Metals From Industrial Waste x
      A three-day short course and workshop with an emphasis on plant practice.

    74. Paper Recycling Working Group x
      A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal on the science, technology, and economics of using secondary fiber to make pulp, paper and paperboard products.

    75. Eco-Artware x
      Gifts from recycled, reused, and natural materials. Subscribe to a free newsletter including even more great gift ideas.

    76. Steel Recycling Institute x
      An industry association that promotes the recycling of all steel products and educates others about the benefits of steel's infinite recycling cycle.

    77. ProductBlazer: Ten Wholesale Sources For Recycled Products x
      Collection of wholesale suppliers that carry products made from recycled material.

    78. Glass Packaging Institute x
      At the forefront of glass container recycling efforts.

    79. Automotive Recyclers Association x
      An industry dedicated to the efficient removal and reuse of automotive parts as well as the safe disposal of inoperative vehicles.

    80. Recycled Organics Unit x
      Centre for organic resource management, information, R&D, demonstration, and training.

    81. Roscoe's Recycle Room x
      Fun games, recycling facts and educational activities.

    82. Recycline, Inc. x
      "Quality Products From Recycled Materials."

    83. Resource Recycling x
      Recycling news, links and trends.

    84. Quest of the Ringleaders x
      A cyber-adventure of the Ring Leader Recycling Program.

    85. Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers x
      Enhance the development and sustainability of the post-consumer plastics recycling industry.

    86. The Imagination Factory x
      Creative ways for kids to recycle.

    87. European Recycling and the Environment x
      Guide to recycling in Europe.

    88. The Real Earth Environmental Company x
      "Recycled Paper and other Eco-Products for Home & Office."

    89. Treecycle Recycled Paper x
      Maker of recycled paper products.

    90. Video Project x
      The nation's non-profit source of educational programs for a safe and sustainable world.

    91. Virtual Recycling x
      Paperless depot of recycling information.

    92. x
      The home of news and information for recyclers and all those involved in sustainable waste management in the UK.

    93. x
      Serves private contracting firms, governmental entities, consulting engineers, industrial plants, retailing firms and hospitals, as well as equipment dealers, distributors, manufacturers and others allied to the waste industry.

    94. Planet Pals x
      Let's learn to PRECYCLE. "Precycling" means we can "preventing recycling" by taking a little action before.

    95. Worm Digest x
      A quarterly newspaper about worms and worm composting (vermicomposting) on all levels world-wide.

    96. Global Recycle Scrap Trading Exchange x
      Online marketplace aimed at all companies involved in the recycling process.

    97. Steel Can Recycling x
      Australian campaign dedicated to the recycling of steel and steel cans.

    98. Environmental Recycling x
      Company that can help you dispose of all your recyclable goods safely, efficiently and economically.

    99. rag-and-bone x
      UK-based site offers a central portal for people to find or give a good home to still used household items. Here bulky household items are listed free-of charge. Don’t throw away recyclable household items, list here!

    100. Recycling And Composting Online x
      An excellent source for information on recycling and composting.

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009

    Idé: Samling af best practices og gode ideer fra hele verden

    Find inspiration i, der dokumenterer gode ideer fra hele verden indenfor byplanlægning og overfør det til ressourcehåndtering......

    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    Idé: System: Fundraising til FoU projekter

    Teknologiudviklere og forskere er afhængige af at kunne skaffe offentlige FoU-midler. Disse er i stigende grad underlagt krav om markedsrelevans og markedsforankring, hvorfor virksomheder og forskere har stort behov for samarbejde med industrien for at kunne opnå forskningsmidler.
    VF tilføjer screening-kompetence (evt outsourced), der screener relevante samarbejdsprojekter for nogle som VF kan blåstemple og dermed hjælpe til funding.
    Få spillere i industrien har så klar en adgang til markedet og affaldets kerne.

    Idé: Camps: Eksempel på camps

    Behov: Matchmaking på tværs af værdikæde.
    Løsning: Formaliserede camps med et vist interval på HTMP.
    Udbytte: Nye ideer og samarbejdsrelationer, samt branding af VF.
    Der er masser af gode eksempler på camp-formatet - også indenfor sektoren, som der er oplagt, kan blive et fast format i HTMP, fx: Den 14. og 15. januar 2009, samledes repræsentanter fra biobrændselsbranchen til en intensiv Biomasse Camp på Sørup Herregaard ved Ringsted. Udgangspunktet for campen var udvikling af demonstrationsprojekter med henblik på at synliggøre biomassens store eksportpotentiale.


    Som pilotprojekter bør vi afprøve to formater:

    1) Crowdsourcing af idéer, hvor vi involverer et netværk af brugere i at vurdere værdien af idéer til tiltag. Fx vurdering af miljøpotentialet i given teknologier.

    Open Innovation, hvor vi udnytter fx Innocentive mv til at få løst et konkret innovationsudfordring.
    [Wikipedia: InnoCentive is an "open innovation" company that takes research and development problems in a broad range of domains such as engineering, computer science, math, chemistry, life sciences, physical sciences and business, frames them as "challenge problems", and opens them up for anyone to solve them. It gives cash awards for the best solutions to solvers who meet the challenge criteria.]

    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    Konkurrent til RESURSIUM?

    Affaldsselskab laver miljø- og oplevelsescenter
    18. sep. 2009 09.06 Næstved

    Sjællands børn skal undervises i behandling af affald hos det fælleskommunale affaldsselskab Fasan i Næstved. Det skal ske i et stort miljø- og oplevelsescenter, selskabet etablerer tæt ved sit store anlæg på Ydernæs i Næstved, skriver Sjællandske.

    Ud over et oplevelsescenter åbner Fasan en genbrugssbutik. Varelageret skal være genanvendelige effekter, som møbler, malerier, cykler med mere. Ting som umiddelbart skønnes at være for gode til at destruere.

    Men Fasan-direktør John Kusz understreger over for Sjællandske, at der kun sælges ting, som de tidligere ejere har accepteret bliver genbrugt.

    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    Online genbrugsnetværk

    HTMP kan oplagt enten understøtte eksisterende genbrugsnetværk som fx FREECYCLE, som har 525 medlemmer i Kbh (en lille gruppe: FREECYCLE har 4.831 grupper med 6.603.614 medlemmer globalt= – eller oprette sin egen lignende service.
    Lad folk udveksle genbrugsvarer og spar ressourcer!

    Thursday, August 27, 2009

    Recology: Affaldsvirksomhed, der rebrander sig som ressource

    Norcal Waste Systems, Inc. som i mængden af hustande de servicerer (ca 600K + 20K virksomheder) er at sammenligne med Vestforbrænding har lige været igennem en gennemgribende identitets-program hvor de har fået deres nye navn: Recology. De er 100% medarbejderejet og tager en klar progressiv miljø-identitet på sig ("Waste Zero"). Prøv fx at kig på videoen på forsiden.
    Vestforbrænding er 100% borger-ejet. Hvorfor ikke tage udgangspunkt i det?

    Det er i øvrigt Norcal, nu Recology, der har den vilde George Gearløs- genanvendelses-havnemole i San Francisco med alskens teknologier.